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Skyblock Pre-release notes 

Welcome to MineCrave’s Official Skyblock Pre-Release Notes! Here you will be able to find all important information, and general details about the gamemode, short guides, and advice for your gameplay. 


Skyblock is an almost SMP-like game mode, except you are placed on a beautiful island in the middle of the sky, where you have to craft, fight, and mine your way to civilization. The objective of Skyblock is only what you make it. If you’d like to build beautiful and impressive structures and buildings, or maybe go dungeon-eering and fight your way to OP loot, then you can do that as well. The world is fully open to you in MineCrave Skyblock, all you have to do is jump on in. 


In Skyblock everything is almost completely free to play. There will be no pay-to-win access where players can make their way to the top by simply paying for coins. We also offer many ways to make your skyblock experience much easier, through our custom minions you can automate many Minecraft tasks such as mining, fighting, and cutting down trees. All of these can be achieved by visiting /minion store. 


Minion store

In the minion store you can get up to 7 different minions, these little helpers will do the work for you on your island. Let's say you don't want to slay cows yourself, just get a slayer minion, put it down near the spawners and it will kill them in their range. If you put a chest next to the minion and connect it to them they will put everything directly into it. You can do /minion store in-game to access the menu.


The farmer minion will farm all crops that it is placed next to.


The lumberjack will chop all trees down and replant them afterward. 


The collector minion will collect all items within the radius.


The miner minion once placed will mine the block in front, so put it for example facing the cobblestone generator and it will mine all the cobble and ores that generate for you.


The Slayer minion will kill all mobs within its radius, place it near your cow spawners for example and it will slay everything close by.


The medic minion will feed nearby minions within its radius. When your minion is low on health and needs to be fed place the medic minion close by and it will heal your minion instead of paying for it. 


The seller minion will sell all items in its attached chest! 


Island missions

The island missions are there for you to have something to do and to earn some extra bucks! We have miner missions, slayer missions, farmer missions, fisherman missions, and explorer missions.


Miner missions: Mine different kinds of ores for money! Think about like ''Mine 128 iron ore''. As you progress, each quest will get harder and you must collect harder resources.


Slayer missions: Time to kill some mobs! You get rewards like money and unlock the nether and end! 


Farmer missions: Begin a farm! These missions take some time at first because of crop growth, but the rewards are worth it!


Fisherman missions: Start your adventure as a fisherman! While you’re busy fishing you can get special rewards for it to. 


Explorer missions: Explore your or dangerous worlds and get rewards for them! 


The islands 

We have a few different island selections at the start of your journey, we have the forest, desert, and jungle islands to choose from. Each island comes with unique layouts for example the jungle island, comes with a pond instead of cacti, unlike the desert. 


Skyblock Store

In our Skyblock store, we have plenty of categories to choose from, such as blocks, mob drops, minerals, and more. We have an amazing selection of decorations and building blocks for the people who love to build. We ensure that our shop is easily accessible by making it very efficient to buy and sell blocks in bulk.



In our server, we have levels that will give rewards if you get a certain amount, think about keys, ranks, money, set homes, and commands. There are currently 24 levels. You can obtain these levels from dungeons, daily quests, and playtime on the server. 



On Skyblock we have Skills, when you are fighting, mining, or farming you will upgrade these skills and receive buffs for them. Think about 3% more crit chance or +1 regeneration. In the /skills menu there's a button called ‘’stats’’ Click here and you will see every 8 different categories with your stats and what leveling each skill will reward you.



The Battlepass on this server has 99 different quests for you to complete and will change every season. In the pass there are easy and hard quests, and if you complete them you will level up and get money, ores, and items. There is a free and premium version of the pass, the premium will have better rewards that you can purchase at store.minecrave.org.



We have five different crates, these are called the vote, hunter, skybreaker, draconic, and voltage crate. These crates all have different rewards from common to legendary loot. They are all obtainable through gameplay for example coinshop or level rewards. 



Want to be on top of the /leaderboard? If you check this command you will see 18 various categories to be first on, think about playtime, top coins, top money, and more. Being on the top of these will net you rewards.



Dungeons are for people who are looking for a challenge in Skyblock.  There are 8 different maps to choose from going from easy to impossible. Dungeons also have bosses and quests, the bosses have a cooldown of 2 hours to some having a 12-hour spawn time. When you start a dungeon, you will get overloaded with mobs so make sure you’re geared up! There are 2 bosses in one dungeon map but only 1 of them can spawn, when you kill a boss you will get a key. find your way through and find the chest that belongs to the key. and claim your reward. Dungeons also have quests like completing capture or killing 100 mobs. For those quests, you can get level exp on the server. 


Daily Quests 

To get more level exp we profited players with daily quests, these will rotate every day! There are 3 quests you can do in a day, Make sure to do them for some free exp! 



On Skyblock we have a /coinshop, the coinshop allows you an opportunity to get cosmetics, crate keys, commands, and more. 


We have 8 different dungeon maps on our server, these go from easy to impossible, make sure you’re geared up and ready to fight, cause the mobs won’t take mercy upon you. Every dungeon has 2 bosses (On a set respawn timer), fight them alone or together with people, but be careful the one who slays the beast gets the key to treasure! Dungeons also have quests such as slaying 100 mobs or completing the capture objective.

As we are approaching release, we at MineCrave Network would like to provide you with some before release notes. These will include every feature that we are releasing with, and everything that you need to know going into the Official Release. 

Spawn - On Release 

Our custom built spawn is equipped with an impenetrable castle, surrounded by strong stone walls. The centre of the map is guarded by eight guard towers. You can access everything that you need within the central building! Venture out of the castle to find the marketplace where you can buy all of your essentials either with money or our custom in-game currency which is coins. 

Behind where you spawn is our custom AFK Pool, where you will receive rewards even when you're not playing.

Surrounding the castle is a vast terrain, full of hills, and lakes. 

Once you pass the red border surrounding the castle you will enter the PVP arena where you can participate in events such as King of The Hill (KOTH), Envoys, and Kill the King (KTK).

As spawn is a place where you will spend a large amount of your time, you can easily access any of the LifeSteal necessities that you may need. 


In leaderboards, you can compete with other players to see who reaches #1. With so many leaderboard categories, any player with any skill type can rise to the top. To reach the leaderboards menu all you have to do is /leaderboard


Random Teleport

Random Teleport, also known as RTP can be used to start your journey into the world of MineCrave LifeSteal and send you to a random place in the Overworld. Additionally, when you do the command /rtp you will see a menu that allows you to teleport to any of the 4 available LifeSteal dimensions; Overworld, Mining World, Nether, and The End. Each world has its own perks. In Overworld you can build, mine and find other players bases. However, you can only do your strip mining, and large area mining in The Mining World. With The Nether and The End, you will be teleported to their respective dimensions. 



Using /warps enables you to be able to see the locations you can warp to, those being, Crates, PVP Arena, and Spawn. Once you've found the location you want you just type /warp [example: Crates].



Coinshop is a store where you can use your in-game coins in order to buy amazing things such as donator ranks, commands, pets, cosmetics, backpack slots and more! Explore it yourself in-game by doing /coinshop

In order to get coins you can open crates for a chance of them dropping, AFK pool (2 coins every 15 minutes), voting (3 coins per vote), via /rewards, and a chance of getting coins from winning KOTH. 



With Auction House, players can buy and sell items freely. You can either put you items on a auction, where players bid on the item and the highest bidder wins, or a BIN auction where players can buy it for a set price. Check this out at /ah.



In the Shop, players can find all the essential items that they may need, from ores to wood, and building blocks to crops. In the shop players can also sell their items back for in-game money. Explore the shop by doing /shop.



In Lottery, players can buy tickets towards the next lottery draw. The player who wins will receive the collective amount of all tickets bought! If you'd like to participate in a lottery draw, just do /lottery in-game. 



Tags give players the ability to further customise there name and chat profile. Once you have a tag, simply apply it and it'll show next to your name tag, both above your head and in chat. Go check out the available tags at /tags



With Kits, players can choose from a variety of starter kits for free. However, if you purchase a donator rank, this gives you the ability to claim better kits every 24 hours, giving you an extra edge in combat. Check out the available starter kits at /kits


Tool Skins

Tool skins give players another level of customisability. Each tool skin is completely unique and can be unlocked through Random Tool skin vouchers from Crates. If you'd like to see the available tool skins, please check out /toolskins in-game. 

Player Warps

With Player Warps (PW) you can visit player created shops, builds, and more through just a click of a button. You can also create your own warps and have people come to visit. However, remember that your builds are not protected from "griefers".  If you'd like to check out Player Warps do /pw in game. 


Daily Quests

With Daily Quests, you will be able to complete new quests every single day. These quests will give you level xp which can be used to level up and obtain amazing rewards. Come check out today's Daily Quests by doing /dailyquests



Rewards can give you extra goodies hourly, daily, and weekly. Make sure to claim your rewards each time they refresh to make sure you are claiming your free keys, coins, and money. Check it out by doing /rewards in-game.


Custom Enchants

In MineCrave LifeSteal we offer many custom enchants like Double Strike (Allows you the chance to hit an enemy twice), Haste (Allows you to swing your tool faster) and more. These enchants can be obtained by putting your tools, armour, and weapons into an enchantment table for a chance to get one or more custom enchants. To check out the available enchants do /enchants.


Teams allow players to group up for a higher chance of survival, both in everyday play and in events. Each player can join, create or leave a team. In order to join a team you must first be invited. If you'd like to create your own team or just check it out do /teams in-game for more information. 



Our in-game leveling system allows players to obtain new and increasingly better rewards each time they level up, the rewards range from crate keys, access to commands, money, and coins! Come check it out by doing /levels in-game. 



Quests give players extra tasks to do in-game which rewards them with in-game money. The quests range from combat to mining to farming to adventuring. Check them out at /quests

In MineCrave LifeSteal we offer some Custom Items in order to make your LifeSteal gameplay just a bit more interesting. Each item gives you specific benefits, especially in combat. For more information please see below.

Revive Beacons enable you to revive your fellow player. Whether the player is a friend, or a teammate you are able to bind the beacon to them by using their IGN in order to revive them immediately, in order to save them from their 2 hour death-ban. To see more information check out the Cleric Crate.

Ability Scrolls, give the player specific benefits depending on their tier whilst decreasing their permanent heart count by the according amount (Tier I = -1 Heart, Tier II = -2 Hearts, Tier III = -3 Hearts). For more information check the Cleric Crate.

Within MineCrave, we offer many ways for you to be able to customise your tools, how you appear in chat and more.

With Tool Skins you can customise how your tools and weapons look by applying a skin. However the tool must be diamond or above. In order to get tool skins, just open crates for a chance to get a random tool skin voucher.

Below you can see the currently available tool skins.

If you'd like to see these for yourself, do /toolskins in-game.

You also have the ability to use pins, where are little stickers that will appear next to your username, both above your head, and next to your in-game chat.

See below for an example of some of the tags you could get.

If you'd like to see the pins for yourself, check out /pins.

For more information on cosmetics, check out /cosmetics in-game!

In the PVP arena, which you can find by walking out of the spawn, and crossing the read line you can join events such as KOTH, Envoys, and KTK.

With KOTHs or King of the Hill's you will have to find the structure over the lava lake. There you can compete with players by trying to capture the point which is in the red square. If you are able to capture it, you will be rewarded from a pool of OP items.

In an Envoy event, random chests ranging from 1-6 stars (Low to High rarity) will spawn throughout the PVP arena. Your job is to attempt to find them and claim them, will fighting off opposing players and teams.

With KTK or Kill The King, all players will be pitted against one of our Media Partners (While streaming or recording). Your job is to kill the king, and the one to do so will receive amazing rewards.


What Features would you like to see in Skyblock?

As we approach the Official Release of the MineCrave server including both LifeSteal and Skyblock, we at the MineCrave Team were wondering what features you would like to see in Skyblock. These features could be something you've seen before, or a brand new idea. 

Our goal is to provide you, the players, with the best possible, tailored experience. This means, that we would be most appreciative of your suggestions and ideas. Any and all ideas are welcome! Simply make an account here on the MineCrave Website, and reply to this forum post to submit your suggestions! I will respond to every suggestion personally. 

As well, if you have any questions about either of our upcoming game modes (LifeSteal or Skyblock) do not hesitate to ask us in our Discord Server

Can't wait to see you all at release,



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