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Skyblock [Closed-BETA] What features would you like in Skyblock?
Nyciio Owner
3 posts
3 topics
21 days ago

What Features would you like to see in Skyblock?

As we approach the Official Release of the MineCrave server including both LifeSteal and Skyblock, we at the MineCrave Team were wondering what features you would like to see in Skyblock. These features could be something you've seen before, or a brand new idea. 

Our goal is to provide you, the players, with the best possible, tailored experience. This means, that we would be most appreciative of your suggestions and ideas. Any and all ideas are welcome! Simply make an account here on the MineCrave Website, and reply to this forum post to submit your suggestions! I will respond to every suggestion personally. 

As well, if you have any questions about either of our upcoming game modes (LifeSteal or Skyblock) do not hesitate to ask us in our Discord Server

Can't wait to see you all at release,



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